Thanks for visiting our website! We are a new faith community in the heart of Houston’s East End. From the jump, we like to be honest about being an imperfect people. Our goal is not to make ourselves seem put together, but instead, to be honest about our need as we trust Jesus, who is putting us all back together. That motivates us to live authentic lives with one another as we are becoming more like Jesus in the nooks and crannies of everyday life. It also motivates us to join in God’s divine desire of reweaving Shalom into our neighborhood so that Restoration, Belonging, and Purpose flood every block. So, as you learn more about us, and (hopefully) get plugged in, you’ll notice quickly that we embrace a holistic view of the Church’s mission. Some might know this as “Misión Integral” or Integral/Wholistic Mission. in a nutshell, this conviction embraces both social responsibility and gospel proclamation. We believe we are engaging in God’s mission both when we advocate and work toward equity for marginalizes peoples, and when we proclaim the gospel to others.
restoration. belonging. purpose.
Part of our mission and vision is to see our East End blocks flooded with Restoration, Belonging, and Purpose. We believe the gospel offers these things, and we desire to experience them and help others experience them as well.
“We experience Restoration with God and one another through Jesus and everything He’s done for us.”
Through what Jesus has done for us, restoration invades our hearts and places us on the journey toward wholeness, healing, restoration, and flourishing (the Bible calls this concept “shalom”). Through Jesus, we are empowered to live as a restored gospel community marked by sincere love and service, becoming family with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, and socio-economic statuses.
“We experience Belonging as we journey together with fellow apprentices of Jesus in the context of a healing community.”
Having our relationship with God and man restored, we become family with fellow apprentices of Jesus, and find belonging together in the community of Jesus, the family of God. It is then our aim to create a safe space of healing and flourishing and invite others into this kind of life-giving community.
“And we find our ultimate Purpose wrapped up in the divine desire of God to reweave shalom back into our world.”
As a Restored gospel community who finds Belonging with one another, we also find our ultimate Purpose together as stated above. Since shalom is holistic, it is our desire to see spiritual as well as social, economic, mental, and systemic flourishing in our barrio. Some might be more familiar with this idea as “redeeming and restoring all peoples and things back to how they were meant to function.”
restoration. belonging. purpose.
These 3 things are part of our overall mission and vision. To find out what our mission and vision is, go to the “About Us” tab in the menu above and click “Mission and Vision”.
East End-Focused.
A few things you’ll recognize pretty quickly about our church, especially if you visit us on a Sunday, is our desire to be Historically-Rooted, Jesus-Centered, and East End-focused.
If you’d like to read more on these 3 values of ours, scroll down below!
There is so much beauty, depth, and richness in the ancient faith we have been handed down within the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. This historic rootedness is one of the reasons for our name. We want to be a people who are often struck by awe and wonder when we worship our God who graciously redeems and adopts us into an eternal relationship with Him: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
We want the Jesus of this gospel to be central to every area of our life to the point that we’re being informed and transformed by Him and what He’s done for us! If the gospel were a language, we want to become so fluent in it that it becomes our mother tongue.
We believe spreading Shalom (wholeness) is holistic in nature. We are convinced that, if you are centered on the person and work of Jesus, it must and will lead to engaging your context holistically and working toward biblical justice. This often includes speaking truth to power, and advocating for the marginalized and oppressed.
Lastly, being “East-End Focused” simply means we are a neighborhood church. As a church, we want to share and engage the same spaces our neighbors do so much that we become woven into the fabric of our hood’s culture and rhythms (Acts 17:26-27).